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How to grow your food and drink business overseas

For over 35 years, Wallis Shipping has specialised in food and drink logistics around the world. Based in the east of England, Wallis is uniquely positioned among a huge range of agricultural, farming and food industries, and within easy reach of two of the UK’s largest ocean freight ports.

Wallis Shipping distributes a wide range of food and drink products. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

What Wallis Shipping does for food and drink businesses

At Wallis Shipping, we distribute a wide range of food and drink products, including:

· confectionary

· herbal teas

· non-alcoholic cocktails

· chocolate

· dried snacks

· ingredients for cereals

Jenna Morgan, our Commercial Director explains why food and drink products from the UK are so popular: “People overseas like British produce because of its reputation for being the best. This shows there is a large appetite for British food and drink around the world, meaning exporting internationally is a great way to grow your business.”

We understand how to manage the challenges that come with food and drinks shipments

Wallis Shipping currently exports its customers’ food and drink products primarily to America, the Middle East, Australia, and Africa.

In terms of importing produce, it works with clients to ship raw ingredients that are then used for manufacturing in the UK, such as herbs and spices.

The challenges involved with food and drink shipments

There are three main considerations when exporting food and drink produce:

1. Time. If goods are perishable transportation needs to be quick.

2. Temperature. This needs to be controlled throughout the process to ensure the quality of the goods is maintained.

3. International regulations. There are rules and documentation which need to be adhered to when exporting food and drink.

The three key things to consider when exporting food and drink products is time, temperature and international regulations.

Exporting perishable produce

Many food products are classed as perishable goods because they have a limited shelf life, so it is important that these are shipped with a quick, regular and reliable supply chain.

Cold and frozen goods

Chilled and frozen produce needs bespoke shipment criteria with streamlined movements and 24/7 support. This is key to ensuring the quality of the product is never compromised. Temperature-sensitive cargo needs to be shipped in reefer containers, which are refrigerated with temperature controls. This can be sustained within our trusted networks of cold chain warehousing and transport, ensuring close monitoring of international regulations to always allow for safe and efficient transportation.

When it comes to frozen goods that need to be quickly shipped with air freight, these products are thermal wrapped to enable them to protect the cargo. This temperature control needs to be linked throughout the whole shipping process to ensure it is sustained.

Our friendly team is on hand to take you through the shipping process every step of the way.

International regulations:

POAO (Products Of Animal Origin)

Since Brexit, UK exporters now have strict regulations to adhere to in order to get their goods into Europe. This is especially the case when it comes to food products.

All POAO products exported to Europe need to be approved and certified by a vet. This not only includes meat and fish, but also dairy, leather, collagen, honey and, of course, live animals.

You may also need a phytosanitary certificate if you’re exporting or importing:

· Plants, including fruit, vegetables and cut flowers

· Plant products

· Seeds

· Grains

· Bulbs

· Potatoes

Organisations that food exporters and importers need to be aware of are:

· APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency)

· DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)

· EU Federal Veterinary Office

· Port Health

We’re experts in international food and drink logistics

How Wallis Shipping can help you grow your food and drink business overseas

East Anglia has a phenomenal amount of amazing food manufacturers, so it is great to be based in a region with vast opportunities within the food and drink sector. With British produce being so favourable around the world, the opportunities are huge for food and drink businesses to export their goods and get their great local British produce out there on the global market.

For information and guidance on growing your food and drinks business overseas, email our friendly team on


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